What You Need to Know About Manufacturing IT Compliance for 2024

Updated 04/24/2024


What You Need to Know About Manufacturing IT Compliance for 2024

The manufacturing industry is participating in a digital transformation that offers many benefits, such as increased productivity, efficiency, and innovation. However, this also exposes the sector to new and evolving cyber threats, such as ransomware, data breaches, and industrial espionage. To protect their assets, reputation, and customers, manufacturers need to comply with various IT standards and regulations that aim to ensure the security, privacy, and quality of their products and services.

In this blog post, we will study some of the key Manufacturing IT Compliance requirements and challenges that manufacturers will face in 2024 and how they can prepare for them.

IT Compliance Requirements for Manufacturers

IT compliance refers to the process of adhering to the rules and guidelines that govern the use of information technology in a specific industry or domain. Governments, industry associations, customers, or internal policies can set these rules and guidelines. Some of the common IT compliance standards and regulations that affect manufacturers are:

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC):

This new framework will be mandatory for all contractors and subcontractors of the US Department of Defense (DoD) by 2024. It aims to assess and enhance the cybersecurity posture of the defense industrial base. The CMMC contains five levels of maturity, varying from basic cyber hygiene to advanced cyber capabilities. Manufacturers will need to achieve the appropriate level of CMMC certification for their contracts and undergo periodic audits by accredited third-party assessors.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

This comprehensive data protection law involves any organization that processes individuals' private data in the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA). It grants data subjects various rights, such as the right to access, rectify, erase, and port their data and the right to object to certain processing activities. It also imposes strict obligations on data controllers and processors, such as executing reasonable technical and organizational efforts, performing data security impact assessments, and reporting data breaches within 72 hours. Manufacturers that deal with the personal data of EU or EEA residents, either directly or indirectly, are required to concede with the GDPR or face hefty fines and sanctions.

ISO/IEC 27001:

This is an international standard that specifies the conditions for specifying, executing, supporting, and improving an information security management system (ISMS). An ISMS is a methodical process for managing information assets' confidentiality, virtue, and availability. It involves identifying the risks, implementing the controls, monitoring the performance, and continually improving the effectiveness of the ISMS. Manufacturers who want to demonstrate their commitment to information security can obtain ISO/IEC 27001 certification from an accredited certification body.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF):

This voluntary framework provides a set of best practices, standards, and guidelines for improving the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure sectors, such as manufacturing. It consists of five core functions: identify, defend, see, respond, and rescue. It also provides a common language and methodology for assessing and managing cyber risks. Manufacturers that use the NIST CSF can improve their cybersecurity posture, reduce their exposure to cyber threats, and increase their resilience to cyber incidents.

IT Compliance Challenges for Manufacturers

While IT compliance can bring many benefits, such as enhanced security, customer trust, and competitive advantage, it also poses some challenges for manufacturers, such as:

Complexity and diversity:

The manufacturing industry is diverse and complex, involving various processes, technologies, products, and stakeholders. This makes applying a one-size-fits-all approach to Manufacturing IT Compliance difficult and requires manufacturers to tailor their compliance strategies to their specific needs and contexts. Moreover, manufacturers have to deal with multiple and sometimes conflicting IT compliance standards and regulations, which can create confusion and inconsistency.

Cost and resources:

Achieving and maintaining IT compliance can be costly and resource-intensive, especially for small and medium-sized manufacturers. It requires investing in the necessary hardware, software, tools, and personnel, as well as conducting regular audits, assessments, and reviews. It also requires updating and upgrading the IT systems and processes to keep up with the changing compliance requirements and expectations.

Skills and awareness:

IT compliance requires a high level of skills and awareness among the manufacturing organization's staff, managers, and leaders. It requires them to understand the IT compliance standards and regulations, their roles and responsibilities, and the potential risks and consequences of non-compliance. It also requires them to adopt a culture of compliance, where they follow the policies and procedures, report and resolve the issues, and continuously improve the Manufacturing IT Compliance performance.

Manufacturing IT Compliance

How to Prepare for IT Compliance in 2024?

To overcome these challenges and achieve IT compliance in 2024, manufacturers need to take some proactive steps, such as:

Conduct a gap analysis:

Manufacturers need to conduct a gap analysis to identify their current IT compliance status and the areas where they need to improve. They need to assess their IT systems and processes against the relevant IT compliance standards and regulations and determine the gaps, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. They also need to prioritize the actions and resources needed to close the gaps and achieve the desired level of IT compliance.

Implement a compliance plan:

Manufacturers need to implement a compliance plan to address the gaps and achieve the compliance goals. They need to define the objectives, scope, roles, and responsibilities of the compliance plan and assign the tasks and timelines. They also need to select and implement the appropriate controls, measures, and tools to ensure the security, privacy, and quality of their IT systems and processes. They also need to document and communicate the compliance plan to the relevant stakeholders and monitor and measure the progress and results.

Leverage external support:

Manufacturers need to leverage external support to facilitate and enhance their IT compliance efforts. They need to seek guidance and advice from experts, consultants, and auditors, who can help them understand and apply the Manufacturing IT Compliance standards and regulations and provide them with best practices, recommendations, and feedback. They also need to partner with service providers, vendors, and suppliers who can provide them with compliant and reliable IT solutions, products, and services.


IT compliance is a legal obligation and a strategic advantage for manufacturers in the digital age. It can help them protect their assets, reputation, and customers and achieve a competitive edge in the global market. However, Manufacturing IT Compliance also comes with challenges like complexity, cost, and skills. To overcome these challenges and achieve IT compliance in 2024, manufacturers need to conduct a gap analysis, implement a compliance plan, and leverage external support.

Are you ready to achieve and maintain manufacturing IT compliance in 2024? Don’t let cyber threats, legal risks, or operational inefficiencies hold you back. Consilien is your trusted partner for IT consulting, cybersecurity, and compliance services. We can help you navigate and manage the complex and evolving IT compliance landscape, and provide you with the best solutions for your manufacturing needs. Contact us today and get a free consultation on how we can help you secure your assets, reputation, and customers.